Tummy Time 101: The Benefits for Your Newborn


As new mothers, we are bombarded with advice and recommendations on how to care for our newborns. From feeding and diapering to sleep schedules and developmental milestones, the amount of information can be overwhelming. However, one aspect that is often overlooked but incredibly beneficial for our little ones is tummy time. This simple activity not only helps with their physical development but also plays a crucial role in their overall well-being. In this post, we will dive into the benefits of tummy time for newborns and why it should be an essential part of your motherhood journey.

1)Understanding Tummy Time

Tummy time is the simple act of placing your baby on their stomach while they are awake and supervised. It may seem insignificant, but this activity has a profound impact on their development. During tummy time, babies strengthen their neck and upper body muscles, helping them reach important milestones like sitting and crawling. It also allows them to explore their surroundings and engage with their environment, stimulating their senses and promoting cognitive development. Understanding the importance of tummy time will not only benefit your baby but also fill your parenthood journey with bundles of joy and love.

2)The Importance of Tummy Time

Tummy time may seem like a small activity, but its importance for infants cannot be overstated. Not only does it help them develop their neck and upper body muscles, but it also stimulates their senses and promotes cognitive development. As moms, engaging in tummy time with our little ones fills our hearts with bundles of joy. So let's embrace this simple yet powerful activity and cherish the milestones it brings to our motherhood journey.

3)Tummy Time and Better Naps

During tummy time, your baby gets the opportunity to exercise their muscles and tire themselves out. This can lead to better and more restful naps. So, while engaging in tummy time, not only are you helping your little one develop physically and mentally, but you are also setting them up for peaceful sleep and allowing yourself to enjoy those precious moments of with your bundle of joy.

4)When and How Long Should You Practice Tummy Time?

When it comes to tummy time, consistency is key. Start with short sessions of 2-3 minutes a few times a day and gradually increase the duration as your baby grows stronger. Aim for a total of 20-30 minutes spread throughout the day. Remember, every baby is different, so follow their cues and adjust accordingly. Make sure to choose a time when your baby is alert and in a good mood to maximize their engagement and enjoyment.


Hailey Lovejoy


Raising Kids to Appreciate the Little Things


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